Легкие минометы Второй мировой
Интересно - а в советской армии предусматривалось вобще такая штука, как миномет для индивидуального пользования?
Так и думал. Ставка на плохо обученный рядовой состав, но очень многочисленный.Был неудачный эксперимент с минометом-лопатой, потом ничего не было.
Ставка, как у всех, на достижение огневого превосходства. Миномет-лопата мизерного калибра такого превосходства не дает
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Слишком малый калибр выбрали и идею интересную, но не реалистичную. Если бы пошли путём японцев, может, результат был бы иной.Миномет-лопата мизерного калибра такого превосходства не дает
Кроме того, опыт войны показал, что лёгкий миномёт это оружие взвода-роты и он должен быть универсальным, с большой номенклатурой боеприпасов. Даже 50-мм этому не соответствовало, а что уж говорить о меньших калибрах. Только английский более-менее отвечал требованиям.
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Японцы и китайцы
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- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Light Mortar 2-inch
Designed and used in World War Two the standard service version of the 2-inch mortar had a barrel length of 21 inches and could fire a high explosive bomb weighing 2.25lb out to a range of 500 yards. With such a short barrel the normal firing method, where the bomb was dropped down the tube and a pin in the base of the barrel struck the detonator in the tail of the bomb, would not work so firing was by a small trigger mechanism at the breech. Originally the 2-inch mortar was fitted with a large collimating sight with elevating and cross-level bubbles, but this was soon dropped as unnecessary in a front-line unit. It was replaced instead with a simple white line painted up the length of the barrel. The firer only had to line this up in the direction of the target and fire a number of bombs for effect. Whilst this method of operation may sound rather haphazard, it worked well and the practice continued long after the war. The mortar evolved in other directions too, with the original large base plate being replaced by a simple curved model, to give it a combat weight of 10.25lb. Due to its small size, and for simplicity the mortar had no forward strut or bipod like larger designs needed. The barrel would be held at the correct angle by one soldier while the other loaded and fired the round. It could achieve a firing rate of some eight rounds per minute. The bombs were cylindrical with a (perforated) four finned tail. For the HE projectile an impact fuse was fitted in the nose of the bomb. The illuminating round weighed 1lb and the smoke round weighed 2.25lb. A whole range of other ammunition was also developed including a specialized bomb that cast a lightweight explosive-filled net over patches in minefields so that it could be detonated to clear a path.
By the late 1970's the 2-in mortar was being slowly phased out. Used only for Smoke and Illumination It was replaced in the early 1980's by the 51mm Mortar L9A1 but continued in service with some units. It was also issued for use in the Falklands War.
51mm Mortar L9A1
The L9A1 51 mm Light Mortar is a man-portable mortar which fires Smoke, illuminating and high explosive bombs. A short range insert device is also used to allow the mortar to engage targets at a shorter range. Proposals for a new mortar to replace the aging 2-in started in the early 1970's, by the late 1970's the protracted development stage had been frozen and the mortar made ready for production. Production started in the early 1980's but did not replace the 2-in mortar until the late 1980's.
51mm Mortar Cleaning kit
Designed and used in World War Two the standard service version of the 2-inch mortar had a barrel length of 21 inches and could fire a high explosive bomb weighing 2.25lb out to a range of 500 yards. With such a short barrel the normal firing method, where the bomb was dropped down the tube and a pin in the base of the barrel struck the detonator in the tail of the bomb, would not work so firing was by a small trigger mechanism at the breech. Originally the 2-inch mortar was fitted with a large collimating sight with elevating and cross-level bubbles, but this was soon dropped as unnecessary in a front-line unit. It was replaced instead with a simple white line painted up the length of the barrel. The firer only had to line this up in the direction of the target and fire a number of bombs for effect. Whilst this method of operation may sound rather haphazard, it worked well and the practice continued long after the war. The mortar evolved in other directions too, with the original large base plate being replaced by a simple curved model, to give it a combat weight of 10.25lb. Due to its small size, and for simplicity the mortar had no forward strut or bipod like larger designs needed. The barrel would be held at the correct angle by one soldier while the other loaded and fired the round. It could achieve a firing rate of some eight rounds per minute. The bombs were cylindrical with a (perforated) four finned tail. For the HE projectile an impact fuse was fitted in the nose of the bomb. The illuminating round weighed 1lb and the smoke round weighed 2.25lb. A whole range of other ammunition was also developed including a specialized bomb that cast a lightweight explosive-filled net over patches in minefields so that it could be detonated to clear a path.
By the late 1970's the 2-in mortar was being slowly phased out. Used only for Smoke and Illumination It was replaced in the early 1980's by the 51mm Mortar L9A1 but continued in service with some units. It was also issued for use in the Falklands War.
51mm Mortar L9A1
The L9A1 51 mm Light Mortar is a man-portable mortar which fires Smoke, illuminating and high explosive bombs. A short range insert device is also used to allow the mortar to engage targets at a shorter range. Proposals for a new mortar to replace the aging 2-in started in the early 1970's, by the late 1970's the protracted development stage had been frozen and the mortar made ready for production. Production started in the early 1980's but did not replace the 2-in mortar until the late 1980's.
51mm Mortar Cleaning kit
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Похоже, что самый первый "Валеро".
http://www.elgrancapitan.org/foro/viewt ... p?p=841881
45 - 60-мм мины
http://www.elgrancapitan.org/foro/viewt ... p?p=841881
45 - 60-мм мины
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Mortero ligero Valero-Ecia 50 mm Modelo 1940/42
Интересные у него боеприпасы были - осколочный и кумулятивный.https://ru.scribd.com/doc/3104...-Instrucciones# В одном из наставлений есть фотография пробитой броневой плиты.
Интересные у него боеприпасы были - осколочный и кумулятивный.https://ru.scribd.com/doc/3104...-Instrucciones# В одном из наставлений есть фотография пробитой броневой плиты.
Изначально написано Новгородец:
Интересные у него боеприпасы были - осколочный и кумулятивный.
Видимо как и французы наделись попасть из миномета по танку.
Кстати, я тут раздобыл для своей коллекции макет японской гранаты тип91, которой можно стрелять из японского "коленного" миномета. Удивило что она заметно меньше наших и финских гранат. Задумался, это из-за балистики или из-за того что среднестатистический японец меньше среднестатистического европейца?
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Mortero ligero Valero Modelo 41/42 de 50mm
- Капитан
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- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Запилил обзор на японскую гранату\мину Type91
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Хагана со своей копией 2-inch mortar. 1948 год.
50mm Mle1937
50mm Mle1937
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Какой-то polski granatnik
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- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Захваченное у Вьетминя оружие в ходе операции 'Méduse'
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Если правильно понимаю, это укупорки с минами. 51-мм или 60-мм? Скорее первое...
Изначально написано Новгородец:
Если правильно понимаю, это укупорки с минами. 51-мм или 60-мм? Скорее первое...
На фотке поляки вроде, с 47мм гранатником
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
- Капитан
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- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Возможно, этот гранатомёт послужил прототипом японского Тип 10.
50mm grenade launcher 1917
This French 50mm grenade launcher was fitted on a wooden shaft with metal components. It fired the early DF 1917 hand/rifle grenade which had a propelling charge in the base of the body. The striker was cocked and fired by a metal handle, coming out of the side (similar to the ww2 british 2" mortar). It was adjustable by rotating the barrel in or out of the launcher base.
Ссылка на гранату DF 1917
50mm grenade launcher 1917
This French 50mm grenade launcher was fitted on a wooden shaft with metal components. It fired the early DF 1917 hand/rifle grenade which had a propelling charge in the base of the body. The striker was cocked and fired by a metal handle, coming out of the side (similar to the ww2 british 2" mortar). It was adjustable by rotating the barrel in or out of the launcher base.
Ссылка на гранату DF 1917
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
Итальянский одноразовый (переснаряжаемый) 50-мм миномёт Racchetta Poma времён ПМВ.
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
- Капитан
- Сообщения: 11098
- Зарегистрирован: 03 сен 2004, 21:02
50 mm Mle 1937
кто может сказать как эффективность испанских или итальянских полтинников при стрельбе настильным огнём. Не против танков а вообще ....
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